Xavier Ouvrard speaks at Sommet des Entreprises de Croissance

10th edition of Sommet des Entreprises de Croissance, 29 March 2023


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Created in 2013 by Décideurs Magazine, Sommet des Entreprises de Croissance brings together more than 400 business leaders and experts each year to share strategies for sustainable growth.

The event is aimed at CEOs, CEOs, leaders of family businesses, members of the Executive Committee of mid-caps and listed companies, invited to discover the best growth strategies and innovation levers, to feed on feedback from leading entrepreneurs in their sector and to develop their network.

On Wednesday, March 29 at the InterContinental Paris - Le Grand, the 10th edition of the Growth Companies Summit will focus on the impact of growth companies and their added value to support and accelerate the sustainable transformation of the economy.


Babilou Family will be presented by CEO Xavier Ouvrard n the  discussion: early childhood professionals, the pillars of sustainable education and the driving force behind the development of young children in our nurseries.

At Babilou Family, we support them in their careers with ambitious programe PPDG : "Petit pas reviendra grand"