Expérience Employé

Les personnes d'abord : le bien-être des enfants dépend du bien-être de notre personnel

Plus qu'un groupe international, nous sommes une famille avec une culture commune.

Chez Babilou Family, nos employés grandissent avec nous.
Nous impliquons chaque membre de notre communauté dans notre vision de la qualité, de l’éducation de la petite enfance et de l’innovation. Nous offrons une formation professionnelle continue, partageons les meilleures pratiques et proposons des parcours de carrière individualisés au sein du groupe.

Nous sommes une entreprise éthique et responsable, engagée à construire un monde meilleur pour les enfants et les familles – leur bien-être dépend du bien-être de notre personnel.
Nous prenons soin de chaque membre de notre équipe afin qu’ils puissent s’épanouir tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel. Engagés en faveur de l’égalité des chances et de l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, nous nous efforçons d’être un employeur de choix à tous égards.

Together We Grow: a way of thinking and doing that we nurture with all our team members

Inspired by the vision of our founders and developed organically over time, our corporate identity and culture was formalized in 2011 to support our development in France and later, our investments abroad.

Together, We Grow is the expression and implementation of our entire quality management philosophy: people, performance, innovation, values... It brings our methodology and all our assets together under one banner to help us all meet the challenges of early-years education and conciliate economic growth with continuous improvement.

Ongoing professional training

We are the first private education network to develop a global internal university for educators (UP). In France, we award hundreds of state diplomas through the Paul Strauss School and our current employees qualify through a high-quality 5-year program that blends hands-on learning and theory. The course includes over 100 care and education workshops, 50 parent-child baby gym workshops, dozens of master-class videos and over 50 health & safety procedures. Today, we have UPs in Dubaï and Boston and the UP Germany and UP Singapore are coming soon.

Geographical Mobility

We encourage all our team members to develop and grow while managing their work-life balance. We promote geographic mobility whether it’s to work closer to home or experience early years education abroad. We organize Practice Sharing Trips that enable a selection of employees to deep dive into a key aspect of a curriculum in another country (Health & Safety, Motricity, Language Development etc.). This initiative allows everyone in the group to discover and share the best pedagogical approaches in the world.

Sharing best practices

We share best practices to enrich our curriculums and continuously improve. Our local teams regularly meet regularly or virtually connect with a dedicated team at head office to share their experiences. Through Workplace, the internal social network of Babilou France, employees can exchange with their peers on a real-time basis. Switzerland and Germany are now on line and we are currently deploying Workplace as well as our E-learning platform Up to You and video tutorials for all countries.